Hey Drac! I'd figured if anyone was still around to respond, you at least would be
It really is great having your own place, I'd calculated how much I've spent in rent the last decade and it was pretty depressing. Figured it was time I started paying off my own mortgage instead of someone else's.
So my LOTRO account is actually still active and works and all my old characters are still there! Funny, I logged in but it's been like 4 or 5 years since I was there that I had no idea where I was or what I was supposed to be doing. Had a bunch of cool gifts in my inventory though for all these anniversaries that I've missed over the years. I won't be online there a whole bunch but if I'm in the mood for a little frivolous distraction, you might find me there. My main characters are on the Landroval server:
Yalith - Level 40 Elf Lore-Master
Sonavi - Level 23 Woman Burglar
Reinwyn - Level 16 Woman Guardian (more of a storage alt than anything)
Never really got that too high in levels back in the day but it was cool to see all my old characters again. I have lowbie alts on the other servers (at least the ones that were there back in the day) but my main is on Landroval.
So yea, would be cool to see you around there sometime. Would be cool to shoot the shit with an OS'er once more

Glad to hear you're doing well, I'm going to pop in here a little more often now that I'm all good to go on a computer again. Though not a shame about my Mac. I got so done with dealing with Windows and drivers and shit not working I finally threw in the towel with them and couldn't justify dropping yet even more money in Microsoft's pockets. After being on a mac now for a while, I am never going back!
Anyways, have to run and get ready for work. Take it easy, take care and I'll chat with ya later!